Monday, October 25, 2010

For Beginning Writers on the vicious internet

Hi, how are you? I'll bet you either said or thought 'good' or 'okay'. Well stop! Think outside of the cliché box. That is one of the most common mistakes that a newbie writer, fanfiction or not, does. I'm here to help you overcome that newbie stereotype and start off good. I began writing fanfiction stories little more than a year ago and looking back, Holy Shiznuts they sucked terribly! The emotions and dialogue were bland, no descriptiveness or creativity what-so-ever! However, this won't be directly about just fanfiction writing, it will apply in stories that you've drawn up on your own. I will post Character Profile templates, advice, and guides for editting and beating the newbie status. I will try to post new things once or twice a week, maybe more maybe less depending on how busy I am.